Ocean 6 Investment Solutions FAQs
More on Ocean 6 Investment Solutions
Ocean 6 Investment Solutions can access the entire universe of mutual funds and ETFs available in Canada.
We also have agreements with the following fund companies to offer you portfolios at reduced pricing:
Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.
BMO Investments Inc.
Capital International Asset Management
TD Asset Management
NCM Asset Management Ltd.
PenderFund Capital Management Ltd.
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.
Canoe Financial LP
Although the investment management fees will adjust to reflect our improved capabilities, value offerings, and additional overhead, they are offset by our institutional portfolio pricing and lower custodian, transaction, and transfer fees, resulting in net savings in overall fees.
Ocean 6 Investment Solutions, as your investment dealer, has partnered with Agora Dealer Services to perform back-office custodian services. Agora is responsible for clearing backend trade and settlement and reporting your account activities to CRA.
Your pre-authorized contributions on your banking transaction will come out as Agora Dealer as they perform back-office custodian services.
Impact on Your Investments
There are no risks associated with moving. Ocean 6 is regulated by the same authorities and upholds the same regulatory requirements as any other mutual fund dealer in Canada.
There is a fee to transfer your funds, but it will come at no cost to you as Ocean 6 will cover any fees associated with transferring your funds.
You may be out of the market for a maximum of 48 hours when we transfer your account(s).
Due to your portfolio’s diversification and short period out of the market, any market swings will have minimal impact.
Specific components in your portfolio may change to take advantage of reduced overall fees and reduce your tax exposure. However, your portfolio risk parameters will not change, you are not taking on more or less risk.
In addition to investment updates, clients will receive ongoing notifications and communications for:
Quarterly statements
Portfolio changes
Tax slips
Transaction notifications
Document upload notifications
Personal information update confirmations
The majority of communications will be exchanged via email sent from one of the following senders:
Your financial advisor at Ocean 6